Elsevier Science 社
Earth and Planetary Sciences 分野の Reference Works から利用可能なタイトルがあります。
- Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences
- Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences (Second Edition)
- Encyclopedia of Ecology
- Encyclopedia of Ecology (Second Edition)
- Encyclopedia of Geology
- Encyclopedia of Inland Waters
- Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences
- Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences (Second Edition)
- Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences (Third Edition)
- Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science
- Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (Second Edition)
- Treatise on Geochemistry
- Treatise on Geochemistry (Second Edition)
- Treatise on Geophysics
- Treatise on Geophysics (Second Edition)
- Treatise on Geomorphology
- Treatise on Geomorphology (Second Edition)
- Treatise on Water Science
- Atmospheric Remote Sensing
- Attitude Takeover Control of Failed Spacecraft
- Comprehensive Nuclear Materials (Second Edition)
- Deep Learning for Robot Perception and Cognition
- The Dynamic Loss of Earth's Radiation Belts
- Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals(Third Edition)
- Extreme Space Weather
- Fundamentals of Sensor Technology : Principles and Novel Designs
- Fundamentals of Fire Phenomena
- Hayabusa2 Asteroid Sample Return Mission: Technological Innovation and Advances
- Hybrid Rocket Propulsion Design Handbook
- Kappa Distributions : Theory and Applications in Plasmas
- Machine Learning for Planetary Science
- Machine Learning for Small Bodies in the Solar System
- Machine Learning in Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences : Theoretical and Practical Applications
- Micro and Nanophased Polymeric Composites : Durability Assessment in Engineering Applications
- Modern Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation, and Control : From System Modeling to AI and Innovative Applications
- Molecular Simulation of Fluids : Theory, Algorithms, Object-Orientation, and Parallel Computing
- Multi-Dimensional Imaging with Synthetic Aperture Radar
- New Frontiers in Astrobiology
- Next Generation CubeSats and SmallSats : Enabling Technologies, Missions, and Markets
- Numerical Methods in Turbulence Simulation
- Photovoltaics for Space : Key Issues, Missions and Alternative Technologies
- Planetary Exploration Horizon 2061 : A Long-Term Perspective for Planetary Exploration
- Quantum Photonics
- Sample Return Missions : The Last Frontier of Solar System Exploration
- Small Scale Power Generation Handbook : Towards Distributed Energy Systems
- Wind Tunnel Test Techniques : Design and Use At Low and High Speeds with Statistical Engineering Applications
Maruzen eBook Library
- 原則一度に一人のアクセスです。
- 印刷は最大60ページまでです。
- 組織的に大量のダウンロードや印刷を行うと警告が表示され、天文台全体のアクセスが停止されることがあります。
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
- 原則一度に一人のアクセスです。
- 印刷は最大60ページまでです。
- 組織的に大量のダウンロードや印刷を行うと警告が表示され、天文台全体のアクセスが停止されることがあります。
Oxford Scholarship Online
Springer eBooks
BooksとBook Seriesの2005年以降の全分野約23,000冊が利用可能です。
Wiley Online Library
- 2010年分野別フルコレクション
- 人文社会科学
- 分野別ベストセラー100タイトルパッケージ
- 化学・材料科学
- 工学・技術
- ライフサイエンス・地球科学
- 物理・数学・統計
- The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology
- A Companion to Free Will
- A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics
Introduction to the Interstellar Medium / Jonathan Willams
(Cambridge University Press)
Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence / Dieter Biskamp
(Cambridge University Press)
Molecular Astrophysics / A. G. G. M. Tielens
(Cambridge University Press)