学位授与年度:2021〜, 2016〜2020, 2011〜2015,2006〜2010, 2000〜2005, 1994〜1999
氏 名 | 論文題目 | 請求記号 図書ID |
学位授与年度 |
GIONO Gabriel | Novel Instrumentation to Reach the 0.1% Polarization Accuracy for the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter | GAKUI:Ga:2016 10160006 |
2015 |
片岡 章雅 | Planetesimal formation via fluffy dust aggregates | GAKUI:Ka:2014 10140804 |
2014 |
Anjali John Kaithakkal | A study on the photospheric polar magnetic patches of the sun as revealed with Hinode | GAKUI:Ka:2014 10140139 |
2014 |
佐古 伸治 | Statistical study of X-ray jets using Hinode/XRT / Nobuharu Sako | GAKUI:Sa:2014 10140558 |
2014 |
Hsi-An Pan | Environmental dependence of star formation in nearby barred spiral galaxies / Hsi-An Pan | GAKUI:Pa:2014 10140138 |
2014 |
坂井 伸行 | Three-dimensional structure and non-circular motions of the Perseus spiral arm revealed by VLBI astrometry / Nobuyuki, Sakai | GAKUI:Sa:2014 10140137 |
2014 |
末永 拓也 | Brown dwarfs and planetary mass objects in star forming regions : toward the low mass end of initial mass function / Takuya Suenaga | GAKUI:Su:2013 10140136 |
2014 |
澁谷 隆俊 | Cosmic reionization revealed by distant galaxies and role of extragalactic outflow / Takatoshi Shibuya | GAKUI:Sh:2012 10130428 |
2013 |
Kwon, Jungmi | Near-infrared linear and circular polarimetry in star forming regions / Jungmi Kwon | GAKUI:Kw:2012 10130427 |
2013 |
Zhao, Zhenghi | Origins of blue straggler stars in open clusters, globular clusters and dwarf spheroidal galaxies / Zhengshi Zhao | GAKUI:Zh:2012 10130001 |
2012 |
大井 渚 | Evolution of luminous infrared galaxies revealed by near-infrared imaging of host galaxies / Nagisa Oi | GAKUI:Oi:2011 10120109 |
2012 |
内海 洋輔 | Testing Λ Cold Dark Matter Paradigm with Weak Lensing / Yousuke Utsumi | GAKUI:Ut:2011 10120108 |
2011 |
鈴木 重太朗 | Cosmic history of core-collapse supernovae and supernova relic neutrinos / Jutaro Suzuki | GAKUI:Su:2011 10110608 |
2011 |
高橋 安大 | 視線速度法で発見された系外惑星を持つ恒星に対する直接撮像 / Yasuhiro Takahashi | GAKUI:Ta:2011 10100510 |
2011 |
富田 賢吾 | Radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations of star formation processes / Kengo Tomida | GAKUI:To:2011 10120110 |
2011 |
金子 紘之 | Molecular gas properties and star formation in interacting galaxies / Hiroyuki Kaneko | GAKUI:Ka:2011 10120112 |
2011 |
秦 和弘 | Toward the origin of AGN jet : VLBI study of messier 87 / Kazuhiro Hada | GAKUI:Ha:2011 10120111 |
2011 |
氏 名 | 論文題目 | 請求記号 図書ID |
学位授与年度 |
押野 翔一 | Particle-particle particle-tree : a direct-tree hybrid /Shoichi Oshino | GAKUI:Os:2010 10110449 |
2010 |
松本 尚子 | Astrometry of 6.7 GHz methanol maser sources and the bar structure of the milky way galaxy / Naoko Matsumoto | GAKUI:Ma:2010 10110151 |
2010 |
長島 薫 | Local helioseismology with solar optical telescope onboard Hinode / Kaori Nagashima | GAKUI:Na:2009 10100510 |
2010 |
橋本 淳 | Near-infrared polarimetry and polarimeter developments for studies of circumstellar structures aroudn young stars / Jun Hashimoto | GAKUI:Ha:2009 10100508 |
2010 |
高橋 邦生 | Numerical studies of emerging magnetic flux in the stratified atmosphere / Kunio Takahashi | GAKUI:Ta:2008 10090216 |
2009 |
梅谷 真史 | New manifold correction methods for satellite orbit integration / Masafumi Umetani | GAKUI:Um:2009 10100518 |
2009 |
斉藤 信明 | Two new sets of universal elements in orbital motion; canonical and non-canonical / Nobuaki Saito | GAKUI:Sa:2009 10090899 |
2009 |
山野井 瞳 | Photometric study of galaxy luminosity function in the coma cluster / Hitomi Yamanoi | GAKUI:Ya:2009 10100507 |
[2009] |
小池 邦昭 | Development of control processor for multipurpose computer GRAPE-DR and its performance evaluation / Kuniaki Koike | GAKUI:Ko:2009 10100509 |
[2009] |
塚越 崇 | Structures and evolution of the circumstellar environments around classical T Tauri Stars in nearby star forming regions / Takashi Tsukagoshi | GAKUI:Ts:2008 10081752 |
2008 |
長野 昌生 | Theory and experimental evaluation of the super sweep spectrum analyzer / Masao Nagano | GAKUI:Na:2007 10080655 |
2008 |
高瀬 裕 | フィルム結合型準光学系共振器を用いた金属表面反射率の測定 / Yutaka Takase | GAKUI:Ta:2008 10090274 |
2008 |
古澤 順子 | The clustering history of K-selected galaxies at z< 4 in the SXDS/UDS field / Junko Furusawa | GAKUI:Fu:2008 10090215 |
2008 |
高橋 智子 | Structure and evolution of circumstellar envelopes and outflows in intermediate-mass protostars / Satoko Takahashi | GAKUI:Ta:2007 10070085 |
2007 |
工藤 智幸 | Near-infrared imaging observations of protoplanetary disks around T Tauri stars in Taurus / Tomoyuki Kudo | GAKUI:Ku:2007 10080652 |
2007 |
日下部 展彦 | Near-infrared imaging polarimetry of the orion-monoceros star forming regions / Nobuhiko Kusakabe | GAKUI:Ku:2007 10080653 |
2007 |
川越 至桜 | Improved supernova model and neutrino oscillation / Shio Kawagoe | GAKUI:Ka:2007 10080654 |
2007 |
池田 紀夫 | Dense core survey toward nearby massive star and cluster forming giant molecular clouds : origin of the initial mass function / Norio Ikeda | GAKUI:Ik:2007 10070086 |
2007 |
眞山 聡 | High-resolution near-infrared imaging of circumstellar structures around young low-mass stars / Satoshi Mayama | GAKUI:Ma:2007 10080711 |
2007 |
西川 貴行 | Kinematic structure and ionization of optical jets associated with young stellar objects / Takayuki Nishikawa | GAKUI:Ni:2006 10070084 |
2006 |
永井 洋 | Kinematic- and synchrotron-aging studies for young extragalactic radio sources / Hiroshi Nagai | GAKUI:Na:2006 10070083 |
2006 |
菊池 冬彦 | Differential phase delay estimation by same beam VLBI method / Fuyuhiko Kikuchi | GAKUI:Ki:2006 10060070 |
2006 |
氏 名 | 論文題目 | 請求記号 図書ID |
学位授与年度 |
春日 敏測 | Metal abundances of meteoroids in meteor showers : solar heating effect on the meteoroids / Toshihiro Kasuga | GAKUI:Ka:2005 10060069 |
2005 |
有吉 誠一郎 | Submillimeter-wave direct detectors with Nb-based superconducting tunnel junctions / Seiichiro Ariyoshi | GAKUI:Ar:2004 10040590 |
2004 |
斉藤 正也 | Rectilinear three-body problem using symbolic dynamics / Masaya Saito | GAKUI:Sa:2004 10050702 |
2004 |
神鳥 亮 | Density structure of globules (Isolated danse cores) and its implications for star formation / Ryo Kandori | GAKUI:Ka:2004 10050703 |
2004 |
宮腰 剛広 | Theoretical and numerical studies of an emerging flux and associated active phenomena of the Sun / Takehiro Miyagoshi | GAKUI:Mi:2003 10030586 |
2003 |
新田 伸也 | Self-similar evolution of fast magnetic reconnection in free space : a new model for astrophysical reconnection / Shyn-ya Nitta | GAKUI:Ni:2003 10030583 |
2003 |
横川 創造 | Aperture synthesis observations of low-mass protostars in the taurus molecular cloud: Formation processes of protoplanetary disks in protostellar envelopes / Sozo Yokogawa | GAKUI:Yo:2003 10031337 |
2003 |
山本 一登 | A study of symmetric linear multistep methods / Tadato Yamamoto | GAKUI:Ya:2003 10040586 |
2003 |
菅野 貴之 | Lunar interior studies using the lunar prospector line-of-sight acceleration data / Takayuki Sugano | GAKUI:Su:2003 10040587 |
2003 |
坂本 強 | Dynamical evolution of a globular cluster system as a probe of galaxy formation and dynamics / Tsuyoshi Sakamoto | GAKUI:Sa:2003 10040585 |
2003 |
小山 泰弘 | Real-time and near-real-time very long baseline interferometry for monitoring motion of the observing sites, flux density variation of radio sources, and variation of earth orientation parameters / Yasuhiro Koyama | GAKUI:Ko:2003 10040589 |
2003 |
浅田 圭一 | A helical magnetic field in AGN Jets: revealed by VLBI polarimetry / Keiichi Asada | GAKUI:As:2003 10040588 |
[2003] |
中島 淳一 | Observational study of O-rich evolved stars in the galaxy / Jun-ichi Nakashima | GAKUI:Na:2002 10030581 |
2002 |
武田 正典 | Study on broadband SIS receivers with Nb/AIOx/Nb tunnel junctions at millimeter wavelengths / thesis by Masanori Takeda | GAKUI:Ta:2002 10030580 |
2002 |
本田 敏志 | Spectroscopic studies of r-process elements in extremely metal-poor stars with Subaru/high-dispersion-spectrograph and cosmochronometry / Satoshi Honda | GAKUI:Ho:2002 10030579 |
2002 |
中川 克也 | Direct construction of polynomial first integrals for Hamiltonian systems with a two-dimensional homogeneous polynomial potential / Katsuya Nakagawa | GAKUI:Na:2002 10030584 |
2002 |
河野 裕介 | Precise three-dimensional positioning of spacecrafts by multi-frequency VLBI and Doppler mesurements / Yusuke Kono | GAKUI:Ko:2002 10030582 |
2002 |
木下 大輔 | Size and spatial distribution of Trans-Neptunian Object / Kinoshita Daisuke | GAKUI:Ki:2002 10030585 |
2002 |
関口 朋彦 | Physical observations of icy minor bodies in the outer solar system / Sekiguchi, Tomohiko | GAKUI:Se:2001 10030572 |
2001 |
和瀬田 幸一 | Production of broad band AR coatings with total reoptimization of layer thicknesses / Waseda Kouichi | GAKUI:Wa:2001 10030560 |
2001 |
氏原 秀樹 | Development of film lens antennas for large aperture radio telescope / Hideki, Ujihara | GAKUI:Uj:2000 10030559 |
2001 |
関口 昌由 | Symmetric collinear four-body problem via symbolic dynamics / Masayoshi Sekiguchi | GAKUI:Se:2001 10030578 |
2001 |
眞崎 良光 | Orbit theory of a highly eccentric satellite disturbed by a massive inner satellite / Yoshimitsu Masaki | GAKUI:Ma:2001 10030575 |
2001 |
河北 秀世 | Study on formation condition of cometary ice on the basis of Ortho-to-Para Ratio of ammonia / Hideyo Kawakita | GAKUI:Ka:2001 10030576 |
2001 |
荒木田 英禎 | Motion around triangular lagrange points perturbed by other bodies / Hideyoshi Arakida | GAKUI:Ar:2001 10030571 |
2001 |
秋山 幸子 | Soft X-ray high-temperature regions above solar flare loops / Sachiko Akiyama | GAKUI:Ak:2000 10030569 |
2001 |
関戸 衛 | Pulsar astrometry by VLBI / Mamoru Sekido | GAKUI:Se:2001 10030577 |
[2001] |
望月 奈々子 | Observational study of the water maser burst in the Orion-KL region / Nanako Mochizuki | GAKUI:Mo:2001 10030574 |
[2001] |
寺家 孝明 | Results of the antarctic VLBI experiments during JARE39 and their geodetic interpretations / Takaaki Jike | GAKUI:Ji:2001 10030573 |
[2001] |
Abdel-naby Saad Saad | The theory of motion and ephemerides of the second Neptunian satellite Nereid / Abdel-naby Saad Saad | GAKUI:Sa:2000 10030568 |
2000 |
古屋(新永) 玲 | An observational study of the extremely young stage of star formation / Ray S. Furuya | GAKUI:Fu:1999 10030566 |
2000 |
三戸 洋之 | The fiver multi-object spectrograph for the Okayama 188cm telescope : instrument and observation / Hiroyuki Mito | GAKUI:Mi:1999 10030556 |
2000 |
武士 邦雄 | Primary corrector with atmospheric despersion corrector for Subaru telescope / Kunio Takeshi | GAKUI:Ta:2000 10030562 |
2000 |
阿部 新助 | Spectroscopic study of meteors and persistent trains / by Abe Shinsuke 流星と永続痕の分光学的研究 |
GAKUI:Ab:2000 10030570 |
2000 |
佐藤 克久 | Development of an ultra stable fiver optic frequency distribution system using an optical delay control module / Katsuhisa Sato | GAKUI:Sa:2000 10030561 |
[2000] |
蜂須賀 一也 | High precision astrometry through phase-referencing VLBI at 22GHz : towards determination of the outer galactic rotation curve / Kazuya Hachisuka | GAKUI:Ha:2000 10030563 |
[2000] |
氏 名 | 論文題目 | 請求記号 図書ID |
学位授与年度 |
松下 聡樹 | Millimeter-wave interferometric study of nearby starburst galaxies / Satoki Matushita | GAKUI:Ma:1999 10030567 |
1999 |
洞口 俊博 | Development of an astronomical data archive system / Toshihiro Horaguchi | GAKUI:Ho:1999 10030557 |
1999 |
塩谷 圭吾 | Near infrared variability of active galactic nuclei / Keigo Enya | GAKUI:En:1999 10030558 |
1999 |
有川 裕司 | Submillimeter-wave observations of the shocked molecular gas associated with supernova remnants : a dissertation / presented by Yuji Arikawa | GAKUI:Ar:1999 10030564 |
1999 |
布施 哲治 | Dynamical structure of Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt Objects in/around mean motion resonances with Neptune / Tetsuharu Fuse | GAKUI:Fu:1999 10030549 |
[1999] |
青山 雄一 | A study of atmospheric excitation and gravity response to earth's wobble / Yuichi Aoyama | GAKUI:Ao:1999 10030565 |
[1999] |
萩原 善昭 | High-resolution interferometric study of circumnuclear gas in radio-active galaxies / Yoshiaki Hagiwara | GAKUI:Ha:1998 10030551 |
1998 |
梅原 広明 | The free-fall three-body problem : escape and collision / thesis presented by Hiroaki Umehara | GAKUI:Um:1997 10030545 |
1998 |
下条 圭美 | Studies of solar coronal X-ray jets / Masumi Shimojo | GAKUI:Sh:1998 10030552 |
1998 |
佐藤 修一 | A recycled laser interferometer for gravitational wave detection / Shuichi Sato | GAKUI:Sa:1998 10030553 |
1998 |
佐藤 聡子 | Parsec-scale nuclear structure of NGC 3079 : based on VLBI observations / by Satoko Satoh | GAKUI:Sa:1998 10030554 |
1998 |
池田 美穂 | An observational study of the chemical composition in massive star-forming regions / Miho Ikeda | GAKUI:Ik:1998 10030550 |
1998 |
高根澤 隆 | Dynamical response of global ocean to long period tidal force / Takashi Takanezawa | GAKUI:Ta:1998 10030548 |
[1998] |
岩淵 哲也 | Researches on decadal polar motion and GPS retrieved water vapor / Tetsuya Iwabuchi | GAKUI:Iw:1998 10030555 |
[1998] |
竹内 拓 | The evolution of protoplanetary disks due to the gravity of protoplanets / Taku Takeuchi | GAKUI:Ta:1996 10030530 |
1995 |
川口 則幸 | New VLBI observing techniques under strong atmospheric fluctuations / Noriyuki Kawaguchi | GAKUI:Ka:1997 10030543 |
1997 |
藤木 謙一 | High spatial resolution imaging for the Nobeyama Radioheliograph, and observations of weak activities prior to solar flares / dessertation presented by Fujiki Ken'ichi | GAKUI:Fu:1997 10030537 |
1997 |
大坪 政司 | System design and performance optimization for adaptive optics system : Subaru telescope Cassegrain forcus adaptive optics system / Masashi Otubo | GAKUI:Oo:1997 10030541 |
1997 |
Biwei Jiang | Observational study of AGB stars in the outer galactic disk / Biwei Jiang | GAKUI:Ji:1997 10030536 |
1997 |
Junho Shin | Interpretations on the physical quantities of the solar coronal plasma obtained from the restored images of Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope / Junho Shin | GAKUI:Sh:1997 10030544 |
1997 |
百瀬 宗武 | An observational study of the structure and evolution of protostar envelopes / Munetake Momose | GAKUI:Mo:1997 10030547 |
1997 |
寺田 聡一 | Development of a mode cleaner for a laser interferometer gravitational wave / Souichi Telada | GAKUI:Te:1997 10030546 |
[1997] |
佐藤 淳 | Improvement of Yohkoh Hard X-ray imaging and analysis of long duration solar flares / Jun Sato | GAKUI:Sa:1997 10030538 |
[1997] |
村川 幸史 | Infrared studies on water ice distribution in the Taurus dark cloud / Koji Murakawa | GAKUI:Mu:1997 10030539 |
[1997] |
Sheng-cai Shi | Quantum-limited broadband mixers with superconducting tunnel junctions at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths / Sheng-cai Shi | GAKUI:Sh:1996 10030542 |
1996 |
高橋 正昭 | Thermal evolution in impulsive solar flares / Masaaki Takahashi | GAKUI:Ta:1996 10030535 |
1996 |
鍵 絵里子 | Microwave and infrared spectroscopy of interstellar metal-bearing molecules / Eriko Kagi | GAKUI:Ka:1996 10030534 |
1996 |
朝木 義春 | Compensation of atmospheric phase fluctuations in radio interferometry / Yosiharu Asaki | GAKUI:As:1996 10030532 |
1996 |
仙石 新 | New surface force modelings on artificial satellites and their application to analysis of eight-year satellite laser ranging data of Ajisai / Arata Sengoku | GAKUI:Se:1996 10030540 |
[1996] |
佐藤 勲 | Asteroidal occultation observations from Japan / Isao Sato | GAKUI:Sa:1996 10030531 |
[1996] |
折戸 学 | Cosmological phase transition and inhomogeneous primordial nucleosynthesis / thesis presented by Manabu Orito | GAKUI:Or:1996 10030533 |
[1996] |
西山 広太 | Statistical study of molecular gas in nearby spiral galaxies / dessertation presented by Nishiyama Kohta | GAKUI:Ni:1995 10030528 |
1995 |
森野 勇 | Far-infrared and infrared spectroscopy of transient molecules of astronomical interest / by Isamu Morino | GAKUI:Mo:1995 10030529 |
1995 |
鈴木 美郁 | An observational study of protostellar binary IRAS 16293-2422 / Mika Suzuki | GAKUI:Su:1995 10030526 |
[1995] |
西原 英治 | Infrared spectroscopy of quasars at z≒1.5 / Eiji Nishihara | GAKUI:Ni:1995 10030527 |
[1995] |
横山 央明 | Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of solar coronal X-ray jets : based on magnetic reconnection model / Takaaki Yokoyama | GAKUI:Yo:1994 10030525 |
[1994] |
圓谷 文明 | Studies on weighted shift and add, and iterative blind deconvolution toward high resolution IR imaging : thesis / Fumiaki Tsumuraya | GAKUI:Ts:1994 10030524 |
[1994] |
海老塚 昇 | Development of a novel type multi-channel Fourier transform spectrometer : manufacturing and characterization / Noboru Ebizuka | GAKUI:Eb:1994 10030522, 10030523 |
[1994] |
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