Information of Publication Committee of NAOJ

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Information for contributors to Scientific Highlights of "Annual Report of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan FY 2023"

1. General information

The Annual Report of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan features a chapter entitled 'Scientific Highlights', which highlights research results published under the name of the Observatory in every fiscal year.

The fiscal year for the present volume starts on April 1, 2023 and ends on March 31, 2024.

The Report's Editorial board invite you to submit your results.

Results submitted for consideration or not yet accepted for publication in journals are in principle not accepted.

Forty to fifty papers will be presented in the Reports. If the number of application exceeds the limit, a selection may be done.

Authors of work supported by the Publication Committee are particularly encouraged to apply for this opportunity.

The Annual Report is published as printed material and also open at the website.

2. Specific information

  • Manuscripts should be prepared both in English and Japanese.
  • Manuscript should be in TeX/LaTeX without page number.
    Please download here, the template (, 352kb).
  • The number of pages should be limited to one, including figures.
  • Attached figures should be in Postscript (PS or EPS) or PDF.
  • Necessary files include the text, ps-figures or pdf-figures, and processed files. All these files are expected to be uploaded on a web page or ftp site, so that the Editor can download them.
  • Send an email to, expressing the desire to submit and giving the web or ftp site where files are stored.
    [example] (URL where files are uploaded).
    annualhighlight_e.tex (text)
    annualhighlight_j.tex (text)
    fig1.eps (figure)
    fig2.eps (figure)
    annualhighlight_e.pdf (processed file)
    annualhighlight_j.pdf (processed file)
  • If you prefer to submit the manuscript in a simple text file, or submit a figure in a form other than Postscript or PDF, or you cannot upload a file to a web or ftp. site etc., feel free to contact the Editor in Chief:
    Michitoshi YOSHIDA

3. Instructions on the format of the report

  • Title of the report should be as precise as possible and sufficiently informative. If there is a subtitle, there should be a half-size space, a half-size colon, and a half-size space between the title and the subtitle.
  • Do not abbreviate the authors' affiliation.
  • Citations should be numbered consecutively in the text and in the references: [1], [2], ...
  • Give each serial number to figures and tables.
  • Journal names should be in italics and volume numbers in bold face.

4. Please refer these contents.