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PNAOJ format

Manuscript Format

As a rule, manuscripts should be prepared in LaTeX format.

Line spacing

Manuscripts should include 0.5~1 line space between lines so that reviewers can write comments and specifications for printing.

Structure of the first page

First page should be structuredappear as follows. The description of each item is given below.



Full name of author(s) Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx

Date Received XXX


Key Words: Xxxxx, Xxxxx, Xxxxx.



The First letter of the title is capitalized, The first letter of each word is capitalized, except for articles and prepositions.

For example;

The Title for the PNAOJ Publication.

Full name of author(s)

If the author's affiliation is something other than NAOJ, put an asterisk (*) next to the author's name and list the affiliation in a footnote.

When there is more than one author, list them in the following format:

Xxx Xxxx and Yyy Yyyy
Xxx Xxxx, Yyy Yyyy, and Zzz Zzzz

Date Received

It will be filled in by the Publication Committee later.


Abstract should be a single paragraph.

Key Words

Please indicate 3-5 keywords related to this paper.


The sections, subsections, and subsubsections should be numbered as follows:

1. Title of Section

2.1 Title of Subsection

(1) Title of Subsubsection (use (a), (b), etc. as appropriate.)

The first letter of each word in section headings should be capitalized.

Section headings should have a full line of space above and below, and subsection headings should have half a line of space above and below.

When a section number is cited in the main text, the word "section" starts with a lowercase "s" unless it occurs at the beginning of a sentence.
The word "section" should not be abbreviated.


See section 2.2.

Section 5 summarizes the results.

Figures and Tables

Figures should be prepared as electronic files. All text and equations within the figures should use the same typeface and rules as the main text. (For example, "km s-1" instead of "km/s.")

Titles of figures and tables should be written after "Figure 1.", "Table 1.", etc. As in a normal sentence, the first letter should be capitalized and the rest should be in lowercase, and a period should be added at the end of the title.

Figures and tables should be placed appropriately, either within the flow of the main text or in a separate column.

When a figure is cited in the main text, the words "figure(s)" and "table(s)" start with a lowercase letter unless they occur at the beginning of a sentence.


See table 1.

See tables 1 and 2.

See tables 1-3.

See figure 1.

See figures 1 and 2.

See figures 1a and b.

See figures 1-3.


Equations are considered part of the text and should be punctuated with commas, periods, etc., as necessary.

Variables appearing in equations should be italicized, except for Greek letters.

When superscripts and subscripts do not represent variables, e.g. Te (e for electron) and Teff (eff for effective), use Roman typeface.

Vectors are expressed in bold italic.

Do not use "/" in the units for physical quantities, e.g., km s-1 instead of km/s.

Mathematical equations should be numbered consecutively ((1),(2),...) at the right end, and quotations in the text should be written in the lower case unless they come at the beginning of a sentence.


See equation (1).

See equations (1) and (2).

See equations (1)-(3).

The equations appearing in the Appendix should be numbered starting from (A1), where "A" indicates Appendix.


Acknowledgements should not be a separate chapter, but should be added after a single line space at the end of the main body of the text.


Appendices should be placed after the main text and acknowledgements, and before the endnotes and bibliography.

"Appendix" should begin with a capital "A" and be preceded by the article "the." (For example, "See the Appendix C")


Endnotes in the text should be placed after the main text, acknowledgements, and appendix, and before the bibliography.


References should be cited by listing the name of the author(s) and the year.


Sato (1990)

Sato and Tanaka (1991)

Suzuki et al. (1992) when there are more than three authors

(See Honda et al. 1993)

(Sato 1990; Sato and Tanaka 1991)

A bibliography is given at the end of the text under the heading "References."

The references should be listed in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author.

If the first author is the same, the references should be listed in alphabetical order according to the second author.

If there are multiple papers by the same author in the same year, distinguish them by adding abc... to the year.

Format for single-author papers:

Xxxxxxxxx, X. 1990, Title of the Paper, Journal Name, 100, 1-10.
Name, Initials, Year, Title of the Paper, Journal Name, Volume, Page.

Format for papers with multiple authors:

Xxxxxxx, X., and Yyyyy, Y.

Xxxxxxx, X., Yyyyy, Y., and Zzzzz, Z.

Format for books:

Xxxxxxx, X. 1990, Book Title, Publisher, pp. xx-xx.

Format for proceedings, etc.:

Xxxxxxx, X. 1990, Title of the Paper, in Proceedings Title, ed. Y.Yyyy, Publisher, p.xx-xx.

In the case of multiple editors,
eds. Y.Yyyy and Z.Zzzz
eds. X.Xxxx, Y.Yyyy, and Z.Zzzz

Other notes

"et al.", "e.g.", "i.e.", and etc. should be written in Roman typeface and should not be italicized.